Morning Highlights

We’ve made it through our many quality of life topics. Highlights include the decision to proceed in planning a large, multi-day music festival in partnership with a private concert group. More details to come, but staff was directed to keep going and keep Council updated. If the festival happens it is targeted for June 2011.

A new concept for historic preservation was also presented to Council. (Check out the PowerPoint here). The plan is to incorporate several different activities into a Kannapolis Heritage District. Within this district the city would work to build a cultural and historical marker trail,  develop some mill village preservation guidelines, use the train station as an interim history museum, improve Veteran’s Park, and look into a Cannon Tribute.

Personally, I’m most excited about the potential for a historical marker program. How cool would it be to have them all over the place on sidewalks? So, as you’re walking into the NC State building on the NCRC you walk over a very nice brass plaque with an image of the smokestacks?